The Clyde Family

The Clyde Family

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Happy 1st birthday Harper!!!!

Today is Harper's first birthday!!!

I can't believe she's one! 
It's been such a busy year and we are so absolutely blessed to have 
this little "button nose" in our family!!!

I took some pictures of her the other day and I've been too busy
to edit them, so here are the raw photos.
I couldn't help but put them on for her birthday post!!!

The crinkly nose makes my heart flutter.....

Her 2 little bunny teeth on the bottom makes me realize that 
even though she's one now, she's still a baby....

Those tiny, little hands that are so busy, still learning.....

The curiosity. She's always on alert. 
Watching, waiting, listening.....

The cute way she "talks". "Mama, Dada, Ama (Maddison) and Tyler".
She has a lot to say to us!!!

Always making us laugh.
I think she knows that we think she's a 
pretty cool chick!!! 

But above all, he beautiful, perfect spirit.
She is such a blessing to us. 
What would we do without her?

We love our little Harper Anne. 
How did we get so lucky?
We don't know, but we will continue to enjoy every second!!!
Every step, every word, every time she points and babbles.
ALL of it!!!

Happy birthday, Honey!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!

1 comment:

Peggy Clyde said...

Happy birthday, Harper. I love you.