You can't see it in the photo too good, but he has a black sweat band on his head and the socks had lost all the elastic so they were falling down... his solution? RUBBER BANDS to hold them up!! The whistle sounds like an old car horn and it lights up!!! I can just imagine with the personality that he has, that there wasn't a dull moment at their activity!!! There is stuff he does everyday that makes me laugh so hard, and I am so glad!!! I tend to get uptight about a lot of stuff and he keeps me really grounded. Sometimes when he gets into it, he will get me laughing so hard I start coughing and end up dry heaving, then he feels bad. But it's all worth it!!! He has always been very funny to me.
One of the first times I met him, I was working with his cousin and he came to visit her. As he walked through the doorway to the back room, I was standing in the doorway, unlike a normal person that would just walk through, he pretended that his muscles were too big to fit through the door and ended up scooting sideways so he could "fit"!!! He constantly keeps the party alive. The way he acts is enough to put me into cardiac arrest sometimes. If you have ever seen him "run", you will know what I mean. He has mastered how to run like and idiot
and it's a favorite of my family to see him do it!!! And believe me, he'll only do it to make people laugh!!! What a guy!!! I sure do love this man!!!
It's so funny how the silly things our dude's do can keep the marriage alive. When we're playing a game and Matt score's, he either, screams Yahtzee!, does this crazy pterodactyl like jump (not explicable), or a high pitched Indian yell. And just the other night, when we played "I spy", he answered every question in a voice that was a mix between Yoda, and an old Jewish woman. The kids had their chocolate milk coming out their nose.
ps, when I first saw the pic of Randy in that outfit, I almost had the Diet Coke I was drinking come out my nose.
He is hillarious. Keep the laughs comin Randy. Also Hope I need to see if you will help me and my family with our picture photo shoot? Call me. I don't want to psot my number so just get it from Amy.
Thanks a Million!
That's freakin hilarious!!! I wish my husband would be this funny -- it would make life so much fun.
Mabee him and jason could give us a fashion show. He is pretty funny.
That is too funny! I'll bet the YM/YW loved it!
You two were made for each other!!!
That is so funny!
What a character you married, or do
I mean what a character your husband married? Cute.
Is this the latest fashion trend for summer? I simply must have one!
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