..... I am the proud mom of a son that survived being born with a diaphragmatic hernia.....
Dawn, the founder of Cherubs is an amazing woman. She did a blog post that made me cry. Randy and I have been through EVERY SINGLE ONE of the things she talks about except for the last one (thank goodness). I'm glad she did THIS POST so I can continue to count my blessings. Some might say I blog too much about Tyler's illness. To that, my response would be.... I'm glad I get to!!! His progress is an absolute miracle. I might be the only parent you know of who's had a kid with CDH, but we know more than just us. Sadly, there is a higher concentration of kids with CDH in Southern Utah than the average for the U.S. Why? We don't know yet. Maybe this will get you thinking and talking, raise awareness and quite possibly make it so we find a cause/prevention/cure for CDH. Wouldn't it be GREAT to never have babies have to suffer like our Tyler did? Dawn, THANK YOU for the hard work you put into Cherubs. It IS making a difference. Keep up the good work. When we didn't know what to do when we got our diagnosis, we turned to Cherubs and have appreciated the info we have got from that organization. I would ask that you read the post I'm talking about and know that someone is going through all of that right now. Our turn for that is over, hopefully, but our prayers are constantly with those facing hard times. Please know that we have a loving Heavenly Father that will help us all, we only have to be humble enough to ask.
Sunday Edit
3 days ago
Hope, now you have me crying! Thank you!!!! (((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))
ps - send me some info please on that Utah study!!!
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