The Clyde Family

The Clyde Family

Thursday, January 29, 2009

What would you do?

I was watching this show on ABC 20/20, What Would You Do? I have seen other specials they have done like this before. They set up hidden cameras, put in actors and act out scenarios to see how people will REALLY act when put in those situations. I am always so shocked at the level of denial people are in. Maybe I'm just mean compared to most. One is a blind woman or man(actor) in a deli getting change from the employee (an actor) and he gives them the wrong bills because they are blind. I would in NO WAY stand there silently. I am shocked that it takes one person to say something before the whole room of people react. WHY WOULDN'T PEOPLE TELL HER THE BILLS WERE WRONG? I don't get it. So the question is asked.... What would you do? I have been in situations like that before. It's not always the popular thing to do, but sometimes it's just the RIGHT thing to do. I have got yelled at by a judge for putting my hands into a shoplifter's back pockets to get the merchandise he stole from the store I worked at. I have called the cops on drunk drivers when I worked at the bank. I KNOW that if I saw your husband and your best friend at a restaurant together, holding hands, I would call you and tell you where to be to watch your husband get his butt kicked BY ME!!!! Some things that are hard for people to do are not hard for me for some reason. I guess I get my "whistle blower" part of my personality from my mom. It's not always a bad thing. Anyhow, I guess it's an interesting look into human behavior. Well, interesting to me!!!


The Stratton Family said...

i watched an episode online and i loved it! i couldnt believe some of the people! but then it made me happy to see that there are some decent people out there who would help!

Aleisha said...

That show is so interesting.

Who is G? said...

Well, can't say that I would always do "the right thing" but my shyness is definitely blown away when it comes to doing or saying something right. While you were in Vegas this weekend Mike and I called the cops on a lady who pulled in front of us with a mini van full of kids and we knew they didn't have enough buckles...then we saw some of the kids stand up (this was on SR 9 b.t.w.) so out came the phone. I was driving, so Mike called and filled out the report on her, but I said we should do it. Even though her van looked like they probably didn't have the $ to afford the ticket...they didn't have the $ to afford hospital bills if they had wrecked. To make it worse, mom was on a cell phone the whole time, looking behind her at the kids periodically, and generally just not paying attn. to what she was doing. Yeah, you'd be proud.

Megan said...

If I notice something like that happening, I would. I am not as brave as Hopie, but I do tell some strangers if they have something in their teeth or a buttons undone, so I think I would pipe up and let someone know they were being cheated.

Emily said...

Keep blowing that whistle, Hope. That's why we love you!

Erin said...

Love it Hope! You haven't changed a bit since High School (and that's a good thing!). :) So fun catching up with you and your cute family! Aren't blogs and facebook the best!!?? (aside from all the time we waste....) Can't wait to see you in March!

Erin said...

p.s. Great music! Where's "Shoop" by Salt n' Pepper??? ;) (A whole truck load of bus trip memories just came flooding back!)

Zitting Zoo said...

I love that show!! i am one who won't keep my mouth shut-I remeber in LA I saw a man hitting a woman on the main road of a big city she was holding a baby and across the street there was about 8 men watching for entertainment-I pulled over and called the cops I couldnt' believe no body was helping I just know if it was me or someone I loved i would want someone to speak up